Destigmatizing and celebrating pleasure

Papaya Project offers comprehensive sexuality education, social-emotional learning, and community-centered events to youth and adults alike. With a queer-centered and pleasure-focused approach, Papaya Project aims to destigmatize and expand understandings of identity, sexuality, bodily autonomy, and pleasure.

Founded in 2022, Papaya Project is a registered 501(c)(3) based in Seattle, WA.

Youth Programs

Comprehensive, queer-centered sex education workshops on identity, sexuality, relationships, anatomy, consent, body image, and more. Workshops can be adapted to meet the needs of your specific school or community.

Adult Education

It’s never too late to explore and improve your relationship with your body, sexuality, and social-emotional wellbeing. Join us for pleasure-focused, educational, and community-centered workshops and events!

“Papaya Project events make room for open, honest and shame-free conversations about sex and sexuality. If you want sex education that is comprehensive, social justice-informed, and super fun, look no further! Naomi is a knowledgeable and passionate educator, mover and shaker with a knack for facilitating transformative community experiences.”

—Shani R.

Make a donation

Papaya Project’s mission is make sexuality and social-emotional education accessible to everyone. Contributions help ensure the continuity and economic accessibility of programs, especially for youth. Thank you for your support!
